Emergency Fund
ወገን ለወገኑ ደራሽ በመሆኑ፣ ከቤታቸው በግፍ ለተፈናቀሉና መጠጊያ ላጡ፣ ወላጆቻቸውን አጥተው አሳዳጊ ላጡ ወጣቶችና ጧሪ ለሌላቸው እናቶቻችንና አባቶቻችን ዛሬና ነገ ሳንል አሁኑኑ እጃችንን እንዘርጋላቸው። LET US HELP THE DISPLACED, ORPHANAGE AND VICTIMS OF WAR.
ECNAS Lobbying/PR Fund
ECNAS is fundraising to support for Lobbying to fight misinformation and disinformation by TPLF
Ataye Relief Fund
Recently about 500,000 people were displaced from Ataye, Northern Shoa region. We are fundraising for the construction of housing units for these victims.